Hello everyone, it has been a minute, i hope you're doing well. I always wanted to share how i got to love community work. It all started in 2016 when i joined campus, i didn't pick a course for my myself ,was being pampered by my uncle, he did every thing for me starting from looking for the university and choosing my course. I was so shocked to see my name in the College of Education and External Studies. My course was Bachelors Degree in Adult and Community Education .

ooh yeah i am now a graduate. I always thought, with Education you have to be a teacher, my reaction to that was not good at all, to make my long story short , with time i got to know it better and gradually i fall in love with it. I have gotten a chance to work with people, learn and also get empowered. Because my course was a practical one,

my colleagues and i would go to the field, we would carry out sensitization on a lot of things for example Hygiene and sanitation,gender based violence,gender equality and many others .

During my internship, i realized that i am somewhere i belong to be, i was given a chance to visit multiple villages across my country, i carried out data analysis,monitoring and evaluation and also encouraged good sanitation practice. I got a chance to engage with different people,the elderly,youths,young, HIV/AIDS victims,the disabled among others.I listened to their needs and their ideas on how they wanted their communities to be better.My passion for voluntarism increased. After my graduation i met a beautiful family, the Rotaractors.

I am so glad that i met these people. Because of them i am learning more and loving voluntary work more and more. I love what we do for our people.We reach out to them in different areas. We serve,support, inspire and empower them.

"We become humans only when we serve others, make their lives comfortable, happy and secure".

Yours truly,
#weneedmore rotaractors,#servehumanity